LOISIUM Wine & Spa Resort Langenlois


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  • Weinstraße Niederösterreich
  • Selected Stays
  • Klasifikácia podľa hviezdičiek: 4 hviezdičky superior
  • Radpartner Niederösterreich

Váš pobyt

Der Hot Spot für Weinliebhaber, Genießer und all jene, die ein ganz besonderes Spa-Erlebnis rund um das Thema Wein suchen. Das LOISIUM ist das führende Weinresort in Österreichs romantischer und bester Weißweinregion, dem Kamptal. Außergewöhnliche Architektur und ein unverwechselbarer Lifestyle – dafür stehen die LOISIUM Wine & Spa Resorts. In Langenlois erwartet die Gäste inmitten der Weingärten und in unmittelbarer Nähe zu Donau und Wachau, unkomplizierter Luxus in zeitgenössischem Ambiente - perfekt inszeniert und gelebt. Fein, persönlich und ungewöhnlich – das LOISIUM Wine Spa des Hotels. Es erstreckt sich über drei Ebenen mit rund 1000 m2 und bietet in 10 Treatmentkabinen ein besonders hochwertiges Behandlungsangebot mit den besten AVEDA Spa-Treatments und speziell verjüngenden Weinbehandlungen, die die Kraft der Trauben nutzen. Von den romantischen Relax-Lounges überblickt man die umliegenden Weingärten, der modern gestaltete Saunabereich mit Saunen und Dampfbad sowie ein ganzjährig beheizter Outdoor-Pool garantieren Entspannung pur.

Barrierefrei, Hunde erlaubt € 15,– pro Nacht, WLAN kostenfrei, Nordic Walking Stöcke zum Ausleihen.

 LOISIUM Wine & Spa Resort Langenlois

Very good wellness hotel. Close to the city center with easily acessible parking.

  • Rooms could be cleaner

  • Friendly service

    • „Helpful staff“
    • „Staff very friendly and go out of their way“
    • „Check in staff were friendly“
  • Pleasant hotel grounds

    • „The most beautiful grounds“
  • Bathroom could be optimized

    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
  • Bathroom needs cleaning

  • Room service could have been improved

  • Minibar can be a problem

  • Clean wellness & sports facilities

  • Kitchenette needs more attention

  • Balcony could be nicer

  • Bad side dishes

  • AC needs updating

    • „Do NOT have air conditioning“
    • „Air conditioning doesn't cool“
  • Could be quieter

  • Great location

    • „Surroundings are also stunning set“
    • „Coffee shop next to“
    • „Close to make a road“
  • Friendly atmosphere

    • „Most enjoyable stay.“
    • „Very cosy atmosphere“
    • „Feeling good“
  • Friendly service

    • „Helpful staff“
    • „Staff very friendly and go out of their way“
    • „Check in staff were friendly“
  • Good meeting & event facilities

  • Beautiful architecture

    • „Hotel architecture very interesting“
    • „Perfect spa and design“
    • „Architecture of very high standard“
  • Good alcoholic drinks

    • „Best wine“
    • „Really enjoyed visit to wine“
    • „Great wine“
  • Stylish hotel

    • „Hotel architecture very interesting“
    • „Hotel is beautifully designed“
    • „Classy designed rooms“

  • Breakfast

    4.5 / 5
    • „Tasty breakfest“
    • „Beautiful omelettes“
    • „Fantastic breakfasts“
  • Location

    4.5 / 5
    • „Surroundings are also stunning set“
    • „Coffee shop next to“
    • „Close to make a road“
  • Service

    3.5 / 5
    • „Check in staff were friendly“
    • „Nearby activities“
    • „Treatment was not very well trained“
  • Wellness Area

    3.4 / 5
    • „Great staff at the spa“
    • „Nice spa“
    • „Including the saunas“
  • Food

    3.1 / 5
    • „Restaurant understaffed and overcrowded“
    • „Dinner was so-so“
    • „Perfect food“
  • Room

    3.0 / 5
    • „Heating system did not work“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
    • „Well maintained rooms“
  • Comfort

    2.6 / 5
    • „Quiet relaxing setting“
    • „Quiet location“
    • „Do NOT have air conditioning“
  • Cleanliness

    2.6 / 5
    • „Dirty floor“
    • „Hygiene in the restaurant could be improved“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
  • Value

    2.0 / 5
  • Breakfast

    4.5 / 5
    • „Tasty breakfest“
    • „Beautiful omelettes“
    • „Fantastic breakfasts“
  • Location

    4.2 / 5
    • „Surroundings are also stunning set“
    • „Coffee shop next to“
    • „Close to make a road“
  • Service

    3.5 / 5
    • „Staff is amazing and very welcoming“
    • „Check in staff were friendly“
    • „Number of activities available around“
  • Amenities

    3.5 / 5
    • „Excellently maintained“
    • „Dirty floor“
    • „Hotel facilities are amazing“
  • Food

    3.1 / 5
    • „Restaurant understaffed and overcrowded“
    • „Food was excellent“
    • „Dinner and breakfast both amazing quality“
  • Wellness Area

    3.0 / 5
    • „Spa area was beautiful“
    • „Great staff at the spa“
    • „Including the saunas“
  • Room

    2.9 / 5
    • „Heating system did not work“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
    • „Rooms are new and modern“
  • Comfort

    2.6 / 5
    • „Quiet relaxing setting“
    • „Quiet location“
    • „Air conditioning wasn’t really cold“
  • Cleanliness

    2.3 / 5
    • „Dirty floor“
    • „Hygiene in the restaurant could be improved“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
  • Value

    1.9 / 5
  • Breakfast

    4.5 / 5
    • „Tasty breakfest“
    • „Beautiful omelettes“
    • „Fantastic breakfasts“
  • Location

    4.2 / 5
    • „Surroundings are also stunning set“
    • „Coffee shop next to“
    • „Close to make a road“
  • Wellness Area

    3.5 / 5
    • „Spa area was beautiful“
    • „Great staff at the spa“
    • „Including the saunas“
  • Amenities

    3.4 / 5
    • „Wing was indeed fantastic“
    • „Excellently maintained“
    • „Dirty floor“
  • Service

    3.0 / 5
    • „Staff were friendly“
    • „Check in staff were friendly“
    • „Number of activities available around“
  • Food

    2.8 / 5
    • „Restaurant understaffed and overcrowded“
    • „Unexceptional cuisine“
    • „Dinner and breakfast both amazing quality“
  • Room

    2.5 / 5
    • „Heating system did not work“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
    • „Functional and clean rooms“
  • Cleanliness

    2.5 / 5
    • „Dirty floor“
    • „Unpleasant smell“
    • „Functional and clean rooms“
  • Comfort

    2.4 / 5
    • „Do NOT have air conditioning“
    • „Air conditioning doesn't cool“
    • „Beds and pillows were below average“
  • Value

    2.0 / 5
  • Breakfast

    4.6 / 5
    • „Tasty breakfest“
    • „Beautiful omelettes“
    • „Fantastic breakfasts“
  • Vibe

    3.8 / 5
    • „Most enjoyable stay.“
    • „Very cosy atmosphere“
    • „Hotel architecture very interesting“
  • Service

    3.8 / 5
    • „Staff is amazing and very welcoming“
    • „Check in staff were friendly“
    • „Number of activities available around“
  • Wellness Area

    3.5 / 5
    • „Massage was particularly remarkable“
    • „Including the saunas“
    • „Perfect spa and design“
  • Pool

    3.2 / 5
    • „Heated outdoor pool“
    • „Including pool“
    • „Pool and the lake were great“
  • Food

    3.1 / 5
    • „Waiting for the main course in the restaurant really“
    • „Restaurant understaffed and overcrowded“
    • „Great restaurant“
  • Cleanliness

    2.8 / 5
    • „Dirty floor“
    • „Hygiene in the restaurant could be improved“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
  • Room

    2.8 / 5
    • „Heating system did not work“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
    • „Functional and clean rooms“
  • Comfort

    2.6 / 5
    • „Quiet relaxing setting“
    • „Quiet location“
    • „Do NOT have air conditioning“
  • Value

    2.0 / 5
  • Breakfast

    4.5 / 5
    • „Tasty breakfest“
    • „Beautiful omelettes“
    • „Fantastic breakfasts“
  • Amenities

    3.6 / 5
    • „Wing was indeed fantastic“
    • „Excellently maintained“
    • „Hotel architecture very interesting“
  • Bar

    3.5 / 5
    • „Perfect for wine“
    • „Wine professional“
    • „Really enjoyed visit to wine“
  • Service

    3.4 / 5
    • „Staff very helpful and friendly“
    • „Check in staff were friendly“
    • „Number of activities available around“
  • Food

    3.1 / 5
    • „Waiting for the main course in the restaurant really“
    • „Dinner was inadequate“
    • „Perfect food“
  • Cleanliness

    2.8 / 5
    • „Dirty floor“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
    • „Functional and clean rooms“
  • Room

    2.6 / 5
    • „Heating system did not work“
    • „Unpleasant smell from the toilet“
    • „NOT all rooms“
  • Comfort

    2.5 / 5
    • „Quiet relaxing setting“
    • „Quiet location“
    • „Do NOT have air conditioning“

Vybavenie ubytovania

  • Charakteristiky vybavenia
    Spoločenská miestnosť, Bar, Nabíjacia stanica na e-bicykle, Požičovňa e-bicyklov, vhodné pre vozíčkarov, Hotelový sejf, Možnosť používania internetu, Rekreačná lúka, Výťah, Luxusné prostredie, Moderné prostredie, Reštaurácia v dome, Sauna, Požičovňa Segwayov, Obchod/Kiosk, Terasa/záhrada, TV na izbe, Práčka, WLAN, Izba s balkónom
  • Služby
    Kozmetické procedúry, Parkovisko pre postihnutých, Diétna kuchyňa, Raňajky formou švédskych stolov, Batožinová služba, Preprava batožiny, Nápoje na predaj, Polpenzia, Domáce zvieratá povolené, Káva a koláčiky, Gratis vyzdvihnutie z najbližšej železničnej stanice, Nočný vrátnik, Prírodná kuchyňa/zdravé jedlá, Parkpvisko, Čistiaci stroj na obuv, Denníky, Transfer/kyvadlová doprava, Vegetariánske jedlá, Teplé malé jedlá, Práčovňa, Budenie
  • Šport/rekreácia
    Turistické cesty, Wellness ponuky, Parná sauna, Požičovňa bicyklov, Posilňovňa, Záhrada, Masáže, Sauna, Vonkajší bazén, Ležadlá pri bazéne, Slnečníky pri bazéne
  • Stretnutie ubytovateľov
    Audiovizuálne vybavenie na konferencie, Projektor, Flipchart, Internetové pripojenie v zasadačke, Zasadačka, Reproduktory, Premietacie plátno, Video zariadenie
  • Hovoríme po …
    angličtina, francúzština, taliančina, slovenčina, čeština
  • Kapacity
    Lôžka: 224, Dvojlôžkové izby: 109, Apartmánové izby (suity): 3, Reštaurácie: 1, Konferenčné miestnosti: 9
  • Poloha
    okrajová časť, vidiecke miesto, pokojné prostredie

Pobočky a trasy

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