Buchenberg Nature and Adventure Park

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Following the slogan "Small adventures – great fun!", the popular zoo in Waidhofen an der Ybbs is not only home to, but lets you experience numerous indigenous wild animals like lynxes and raccoons up close. Other highlights are the freely accessible domestic animal area and the large-scale owl enclosure that invite you to explore the Buchenberg.

What is more, also the forest climbing park in the Buchenberg Nature Park is very popular – with its more than 90 stations and an ultralong Flying Fox course across the adventure playground it is the biggest forest climbing park in Austria.


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    Naturpark Buchenberg Betriebs-GmbH

    Andreas Plachy

    Rösselgraben 15 (Parkplatz - Hammergasse 4)
    3340 Waidhofen an der Ybbs

    Telefón: +43 676 844991-444

    E-Mail: info@tierpark.at
    Website: www.tierpark.at

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